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Life after weight loss

Michelle has achieved her weight loss goal! She feels great. Everyone is complementing her and wondering how she did it.

A few months later, life happens, as you can expect. There is stress, work related issues, relationship issues, busy scheduled and so on. She starts to notice some of the weight creeping back on. One morning, she steps on the scale and notices that she has gained all the weight back and then some. She feels disappointed, wondering how this happened. She starts to work toward shedding those pounds again. Does this story sound familiar? I think it is safe to assume that most of us can relate to Michelle's story.

Most people look at weight loss as a terminal achievement. Of course there are many motivations to lose weight. A wedding, a photo shoot, fitting into the clothes we love, or simply to feel good about ourselves. But what happens after we reach that goal?

Consistency is key to reaching any goal. To lose weight and keep it off, it is critical to stay consistent with whatever strategy we choose to maintain a healthy weight. I often tell my clients that a healthy lifestyle and weight loss is not a race or a sprint to the finish line. It is a journey of a lifetime.

To stay consistent, it is important to take note of your strengths and weaknesses. The weaknesses even more. This is what will get you through those tough times when it is hard to stay focused on your goals.

If you hate going to the gym but started an exercise routine that helped you reach your weight loss goal, try to remain consistent with the new strategies that you discovered. Don't stop this routine because you have lost the weight.

Busy schedule? You don't have to get your work out done in one session. Set a goal for each work out day. For example, you can set a goal for 30 minutes a day. Split your work out time into 10 or 15 minute workouts. Still not enough time? Build it into your daily routine. Park further away and pick up the pace. Walk or jog in place while in a zoom meeting. Take advantage of lunch time and take a walk. Find a support system. Don't spend time with people who make it hard for you to be consistent. Join health groups on social media, find a health coach.

I highly recommend getting a self monitoring system to keep you accountable. There are many different technologies these days. Fitbit, Apple Watch, MyFitness Pal and so on. These will help keep you on track.

It takes work to be consistent. Set small achievable goals and take it one day at a time. You will be successful. I promise.

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